Saturday, April 16, 2022

Peter Gabriel 1977-09-28 Apollo Theatre Manchester, England (T source raw)

Peter Gabriel 1977-09-28 Apollo Theatre Manchester England (T source raw)

These flac files are sourced from cassette tapes I got in trade many years ago from a fellow taper in England.  My tapes are marked 1st gen.

Original tape recorded by Popper >
Agfa C-90 Cassette >
Playback: Tascam 130 >
ADS Tech Instant Music RDX-150 input SPDIF
     output USB to computer 16 bit 44.1 Khz >
Audacity > FLAC

This is a raw transfer.  No attempt has been made to correct any problems with it.

I'm also releasing Peter Gabriel 1977-09-28 Apollo Theatre Manchester England (T-777) it's the mastered, corrected T release version.  Anyone that wants to work on the raw source recording is free to do that as long as you mention the source recording you used.  Don't use T-777 version as a source because that one is the version that shows what I can do.  Use the (T source raw) recording for your source, it's the one I worked from.  Show us how much better you can do than I did.

For Trade or Give Away Only - Do Not Sell - Do Not Encode As MP3 Virus Files - MD or any other format which degrades the quality of the recording

                                        Oct. 26,  2012           T________


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