Monday, June 17, 2024

Yes 1976-06-17 Roosevelt Stadium Jersey City, New Jersey



June 17, 1976
Roosevelt Stadium
Jersey City, New Jersey

888 MB shn

SBD > "Master FM" (unknown media) > remastered by SMT using unknown software > PRRP ReMastering*>shn

Notes from the Re-master:
Since the source for this concert is a radio broadcast, the sound quality is generally good to begin with. The actual
source was a CD version of the master tapes obtained from the broadcasting radio station WNEW. We would like to
thank Shaun Toole for providing his remastered source to us for this project.

Viable music signal was present up to 18,000 Hz. This is quite rare for progressive rock concerts available from the
1970’s and makes this recording quite unique. A radio transmission or microphone / patch cord buzz occurred in the
left channel off and on throughout the show and needed to be corrected. Fortunately, the buzz was specifically identified
in the frequency spectrum and was surgically attacked. This approach produced a minimal effect on the remainder of the
music. Pops and clicks occurred frequently and were manually removed. Radio announcer volume was out of proportion
to the music in some segments and needed to be adjusted. Finally, only a slight amount of noise reduction was needed
during quite segments.

*From the PRRP website:
All remastered works are made with Cool Edit Audio Processing Software. When the source is a CD, The music is
ripped using Exact Audio Copy software. 6-Head Hi-Fi VCR is used when the source is video tape. An Onkyo cassette
deck is used for cassette tapes and monster cables connect the sources to the Sound Blaster  Audigy computer sound
card. This allows 24 bit A/D conversion. The system itself is a Dell Pentium IV running at 2.8GHz.

Disc 1
1.1 WNEW / WMMB DJ’s Introduction  1:22
1.2 Intro / Apocalypse  1:16
1.3 Siberian Khatru  9:15
1.4 Sound Chaser  11:03
1.5 I've Seen All Good People  7:18
1.6 Gates Of Delirium  22:18

Disc 2
2.1 Long Distance Runaround  2:17
2.2 Patrick Moraz Solo  4:14
2.3 Steve Howe Solo – Clap  3:39
2.4 Jon Anderson Solo – Exerpt From Olias  3:49
2.5 Heart Of The Sunrise  11:29
2.6 Ritual  25:47
2.7 DJ Chatter #1  1:28
2.8 Roundabout  8:36
2.9 DJ Chatter #2  1:28
2.10 I'm Down  3:29
2.11 DJ Outro  1:34

Warm up band: Pousette-Dart Band
Broadcast on WNEW radio Live

Jon Anderson –Vocals
Chris Squire –Bass
Steve Howe –Guitar
Alan White –Drums
Patrick Moraz –Keyboard

The 1976 Summer Tour began May 28, 1976 in Roanoke, Virginia. The Roosevelt stadium concert
was number 16 in a tour that would include 54 shows. The band members had recently finished solo
projects and had reconvened to begin their biggest American concert tour to date. At the time there
was still an enormous interest in the material from their most recent album Relayer. Gates of Delirium
and Soundchaser, both from that album, were played in Jersey City that night. From one that was there:
“We were there in 6 inches of mud in ‘76 at Roosevelt stadium in New Jersey for RELAYER”.
–Notes from the Edge

“Gates of Delirium is a war song, a battle scene, but it’s not to explain war or denounce it, really. It’s an
emotional description with the slight feeling at the end of ‘do we have to go through this forever?’ There’s
a prelude, a change, a victory tune, and peace at the end, with hope for the future….” –Jon Anderson

“Sound Chaser is like this madman from hell…an indescribable mixture of Patrick’s jazzy keyboards
and my weird sort of flamenco electric, which I’m sure has never been done before and will probably
never be done again!” –Steve Howe

Strangely enough, “To Be Over”, the last of the three songs from “Relayer” had been dropped from the
set list for reasons unknown, perhaps to allow the band to include a few more of the old stage favorites
like “Siberian Khatru” and “Heart of the Sunrise”.

“The concert was originally broadcast on WNEW from New York. According to former WNEW-FM DJ Richard Neer
in his book, 'FM', there was no mixing of the show being done by the radio station engineers; the feed going out
over the air was what the guy doing Yes' sound sent out. (This was because the manager of WNEW at the time
was too cheap to pay Neer and a sound engineer companion of his the few hundred bucks extra they would have
charged to do an on-the-fly broadcast mix). Hence the rather interesting variations in sound quality as the show
progressed.” –Forgotten

Another enthusiastic fan recalled: “It was 100 degrees that day.  When we finally got to the stadium, there was
about a battalion of police off to one side.  The line of fans was about 10 abreast and went around the stadium.
The police had bullhorns and were telling people "no glass inside the stadium". When we got inside, there was
a hot air balloon tethered over the stage, with the cover FROM TALES FROM TOPOGRAPHIC OCEANS on it!
The opening was the Poussette Dart band. Between the opening and Yes, there were fireworks.  One of the
rocket stands fell over during launch and a rocket shot across the infield and blew up under a car! Finally, true
dark fell around 9:00 PM and Yes began to play. During the battle scenes in "Gates of Delirium", the laser
(electric green, dark blue) was shot into the audience in random, staccato bursts. Later, during "Soon", the laser
fanned out and spun over the audience, who craned up hands over their heads to touch the light.  -Notes From The Edge.

It is with great pleasure that we now bring you this remaster of a legendary performance by a legendary band.
Enjoy this great 1976 moment with Yes.

-PRRP Staff


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