DAVID BOWIE - Toulouse 1987-07-04
Stadium Municipal de Toulouse, France
Audience recording
Lineage: Maxell XLII C90 x 1½ (Arcorman)
Transfer (100PCB): Nakamichi CR7 > Benchmark ADC1 > Marantz digital recorder to SD card > FLAC
Processing (steve23yh): iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for light hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Number of discs: 2
Artwork: included
Total running time: Disc 1: 70:57; Disc 2: 43:43
Disc 1
1. Purple Haze
2. Carlos's Guitar Intro
3. Up The Hill Backwards
4. Glass Spider
5. Up The Hill Backwards
6. Day In Day Out
7. Bang Bang
8. Absolute Beginners
9. Loving The Alien
10. China Girl
11. Fashion
12. Scary Monsters
13. All The Madmen
14. Never Let Me Down
15. Big Brother
16. Chant Of The Ever- Circling Skeletal Family
17. 87 & Cry
Disc 2
1. Heroes
2. Time Will Crawl
3. band introductions
4. Beat Of Your Drum
5. Sons Of The Silent Age
6. Dancing With The Big Boys
7. Zeroes
8. Let's Dance
9. Fame
10. Blue Jean
11. Modern Love
Running fast, speed corrected with factor of 96%.
Tinny sound. Increased bass with Goldwave Equalizer tool, boost bass default.
Running a little fast - speed adjustment with factor of 98%.
4½ minutes of a song by another artist at the beginning, removed.
Apparent fireworks in the background during Glass Spider and up to Day In Day Out, couldn't do much about them.
Crowd shouts occasionally kill the mic.
Gap, followed by bang, at 5:43 in Loving The Alien. Removed, with no apparent issue.
Loud pause at 1:00 in China Girl, with about three lines of lyrics missing. Cleaned with fade-out/in.
Another small gap in China Girl at 1:03-1:04 - Let's Dance repair from two lines later.
Tape flip during Fashion - joined cleanly, but a couple of lines missing.
Only 25 seconds of Sons Of The Silent Age before tape runs out. Fade-out/in with Dancing With The Big Boys.
Volume reprofiling to final songs (from Dancing With The Big Boys).
Crowd noise after Modern Love tidied up.
Sector Boundary Errors fixed with TLH.
Torrent History:
Originally seeded to MWP by steve23yh as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 on 5th November 2014
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
DAVID BOWIE - Tokyo 1983-10-24
Nippon Budokan, Tokyo
Probable soundboard recording
Lineage: 2 x TDK AD60 (Sixer)
Transfer (100PCB): Nakamichi CR7 > Benchmark ADC1 > Marantz digital recorder to SD card > FLAC
Processing (steve23yh): iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for light hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Number of discs: 2
Artwork: included
Total running time: Disc 1: 52:53; Disc 2: 54:14
Disc 1
1. Introduction
2. Look Back In Anger
3. Heroes
4. What In The World
5. Golden Years
6. Fashion
7. Let's Dance
8. Breaking Glass
9. Life On Mars?
10. Sorrow
11. Cat People
12. China Girl
13. Scary Monsters
14. Rebel Rebel
15. White Light/White Heat
Disc 2
1. Station To Station
2. Cracked Actor
3. Ashes To Ashes
4. Space Oddity
5. band introductions
6. Young Americans
7. Fame
8. Star
9. Stay
10. The Jean Genie
11. Modern Love
Tape flip between Breaking Glass and Life On Mars? - seamless.
Volume reprofiling to left channel on tape side 2.
Gap between China Girl and Scary Monsters - crowd noise only, removed cleanly.
Tape flip between Young Americans and Fame - seamless.
Gap (encore break) between Fame and Star - removed cleanly.
Gap (encore break) between The Jean Genie and Modern Love. Start of Modern Love clipped. Joined with fades.
Sector Boundary Errors fixed with TLH.
Torrent History:
Originally seeded to MWP by steve23yh as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 on 5th November 2014
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
TIN MACHINE - Stuttgart 1991-10-15
Forum am Schlosspark, Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart, Germany
Audience recording
Lineage: Maxell XLII C90 (lo gen) > Denon DRM-500 > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Number of discs: 2
Artwork: included
Total running time: Disc 1: 61:00; Disc 2: 29:21
Track listing:
Disc 1
1. TV intro
2. band introductions
3. Bus Stop
4. Goodbye Mr Ed
5. I Can't Read
6. Stateside
7. One Shot
8. Go Now
9. Betty Wrong
10. I've Been Waiting For You
Disc 2
1. Amlapura
2. Baby Universal
3. You Belong In Rock & Roll
4. Debaser
5. If There Is Something
6. Heaven's In Here
Fix notes:
Tape flip between Go Now and Betty Wrong - seamless.
Heaven's In Here cuts out just before the end.
Encores missing from source tape.
Sector boundary errors resolved using TLH.
Torrent History:
Originally seeded to MWP by steve23yh as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 on 5th November 2014
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
DAVID BOWIE - Vancouver 1983-08-09
BC Place Stadium, Vancouver, Canada
Audience recording
Lineage: TDK SA90 + ½ SA60 (Arcorman) > Denon DRM-500 > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Number of discs: 2
Artwork: included
Total running time: Disc 1: 56:00; Disc 2: 60:34
Disc 1
1. introduction
2. The Jean Genie
3. Star
4. Heroes
5. What In The World
6. Golden Years
7. Fashion
8. Let's Dance
9. Breaking Glass
10. Life On Mars?
11. Sorrow
12. Cat People
13. China Girl
14. Scary Monsters
15. Rebel Rebel
16. White Light/White Heat
Disc 2
1. Station To Station
2. Cracked Actor
3. Ashes To Ashes
4. Space Oddity
5. band introductions
6. Young Americans
7. Fame
8. TVC 15
9. Stay
10. The Jean Genie
11. Modern Love
Lightweight hiss reduction using iZotope RX2 denoiser tool.
Running fast - speed correction with a factor of 96%.
Whiskery bit in Heroes at 2:11-2:13 - left alone.
Gap (legacy tape flip) between Life On Mars? and Sorrow - crowd noise only, clean join.
Gap between China Girl and Scary Monsters - crowd noise, but tonal change.
Tape flip between Scary Monsters and Rebel Rebel - seamless.
Gap (presume legacy tape flip) between Young Americans and Fame - removed, reasonably clean.
A lot of volume reprofiling on Fame onwards.
Tape flip between TVC 15 and Stay - coincides with encore break - gap and excess removed, reasonably clean.
Further encore break gap between The Jean Genie and Modern Love removed, reasonably clean.
Sector Boundary Errors fixed with TLH.
Torrent History:
Originally seeded to MWP by steve23yh as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 on 5th November 2014
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
DAVID BOWIE - Rainbow, London 1972-12-24
The Rainbow, London
Audience recording
Lineage: Apparent needledrop from acetate > TDK D60 > Denon DRM-500 deck > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser to remove hiss > Goldwave for track splits > FLAC 4
Number of discs: 1
Artwork: included
Total running time: 54:59
1. Ode to Joy
2. Let's Spend The Night Together
3. Hang On To Yourself
4. Ziggy Stardust
5. Changes
6. Supermen
7. Life On Mars?
8. Five Years
9. The Width Of A Circle
10. John, I'm Only Dancing
11. Moonage Daydream
12. The Jean Genie
13. Suffragette City
14. Rock'n'Roll Suicide
iZotope RX2 denoiser to remove hiss.
A little too fast - speed correction with a factor of 96%.
Two gaps between 2:38 na d2:40 in Changes - Let's Dance repair from previous line.
Tape flip during The Width Of A Circle @ 5:53 - removed with fades.
Small gap in The Jean Genie @ 3:53 - Let's Dance repair from next repeat.
Gap in encore break between Suffragette City (3:31) and Rock'n'Roll Suicide - removed reasonably cleanly.
Sector boundary errors resolved using TLH.
Torrent History:
Originally seeded to MWP by steve23yh as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 on 5th November 2014
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
DAVID BOWIE - Mark And Lard Interview 1995-09-19
Mark and Lard Show, Radio One, recorded in New York
Audio Source: FM
Lineage: TDK D90 > Denon DRM-500 deck > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser > Goldwave > FLAC 4
Number of Discs: 1
Artwork: included
Total running time: 51:29
1. interview #1
2. The Heart's Filthy Lesson
3. interview #2
4. Outside
5. interview #3
6. We Prick You
7. interview #4
8. Cindy Tells Me (Eno - fragment)
9. interview #5
10. Hallo Spaceboy
11. interview #6
12. interview #7
13. Debaser (Pixies - fragment)
14. interview #8
15. A Small Plot Of Land
16. interview #9
17. Who Are The Mystery Girls? (New York Dolls - fragment)
18. interview #10
19. New York (Sex Pistols - fade-out)
Links and bits of non-Bowie songs removed from interview segment 2 @ 4:40.
Non-Bowie bit removed @ 4 seconds into interview segment 4 with fades.
Non-Bowie bit removed between interview segments 6 & 7 with fades.
Link and intro to Kylie/Nick Cave single removed from interview segment 6 @ 4:14.
Tape flip straight after the minimal shart of Debaser.
SBEs addressed using TLH
Torrent History
Uploaded to MindWarp Pavilion by steve23yh on as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Volume 28 on 5th November 2014.
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
DAVID BOWIE - Chicago 1978-04-017
Arie Crown Theater, Chicago, IL, USA
Audience recordings
Lineage (1): TDK S90 (Noggin) > Denon DRM-500 deck > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for light hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Lineage (2): TDK S60 (nicmac) > Denon DRM-500 deck > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for light hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Lineage (3): Sony CHF C60 x 2 (Mike Jewell) > Denon DRM-500 deck > direct wire > iZotope RX2 denoiser tool for light hiss removal > Goldwave for track splits etc > FLAC 4
Number of discs: 4
Artwork: included
Total running time: Disc 1: 44:55; Disc 2: 50:41; Disc 3: 49:37; Disc 4: 58:19
Version 1:
Disc One
1. Warszawa
2. Heroes
3. What In The World
4. Be My Wife
5. The Jean Genie
6. Blackout
7. Sense Of Doubt
8. Speed Of Life
9. Breaking Glass
10. Beauty And The Beast
11. Fame
Disc Two
1. band introductions
2. Five Years
3. Soul Love
4. Star
5. Hang On To Yourself
6. Ziggy Stardust
7. Suffragette City
8. Station To Station
9. Rock'n'Roll Suicide
10. Art Decade
11. Alabama Song
12. Station To Station
13. Stay
14. TVC 15
15. Rebel Rebel
Version 2:
Disc Three
1. Warszawa
2. Heroes
3. What In The World
4. Be My Wife
5. The Jean Genie
6. Blackout
7. Sense Of Doubt
8. Speed Of Life
9. Breaking Glass
10. Beauty And The Beast
11. Fame
Disc Four
1. band introductions
2. Five Years
3. Soul Love
4. Star
5. Hang On To Yourself
6. Ziggy Stardust
7. Suffragette City
8. Station To Station
9. Rock'n'Roll Suicide
10. Art Decade
11. Alabama Song
12. Station To Station
13. Stay
14. TVC 15
15. Rebel Rebel
Version 1:
Noggin version used (tracks 101-212).
Running too fast, speed correction with factor of 96%.
Apparent tape flip between Sense Of Doubt and Speed Of Life. Fades, but quite a lot of Sense Of Doubt is lost.
Actual tape flip at start of band introductions (14 secs). Simple join.
There's a very clumsy join from band intros to Five Years, with a big chunk missing. Removed, with fade.
Gap at beginning of Suffragette City. Faded, but music lost.
nicmac addition to disc 2 (tracks 213-215)
Running slow - speed correction @ 104%
First half of Stay is missing - faded in.
Pause noise between Stay and TVC 15 - removed with fades.
Same again between TVC 15 and Rebel Rebel.
Version 2:
Tape side 1 (up to Blackout) running too fast, speed correction with a factor of 94%.
Legacy tape flip in crowd noise between Blackout and Sense Of Doubt - clean join.
Actual tape flip between Blackout and Sense Of Doubt - seamless.
Gap in crowd noise between Beauty And The Beast and Fame - clean join.
Tape flip between Star and Hang On To Yourself - clean join.
Repeated piece @ 5:50 in Station To Station removed cleanly (tiny change in timbre).
Tape flip between Station To Station (end clipped) and Stay - joined with fades.
Encore break gap between TVC 15 and Rebel Rebel - clean join.
Sector boundary errors resolved using TLH.
Torrent History:
Originally seeded to MWP by steve23yh as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 on 5th November 2014
Uploaded to Bowie Station as part of The Hunky Geordie Tapes, Vol 28 by steve23yh on 5th July 2015
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