Thursday, June 20, 2024

W.A.S.P. 1985-07-05 Irvine Meadows, Irvine, CA(DVD)

Wasp - July 5, 1985 Irvine Meadows, Irvine, CA, USA

Pro Shot dvd
System: Pal
Runtime: 51 min.
Menu: Yes
Chapters: Yes

01 - On your knees
02 - The Flame
03 - Love machine
04 - Sleeping (In the Fire)
05 - Skool Daze
06 - I wanna be somebody
07 - Animal (FUCK like a beast)

Pretty decent early show by Wasp. A/V is B/B.
No further deatils, received in a trade.It's supposed to be from from Randy Piper's archive..

Video attributes:
  Video compression mode: MPEG-2 (DxVA off)
  TV system: 625/50 (PAL)
  Aspect ratio: 4:3
  Display mode: Both Pan&scan and Letterbox
  Source picture resolution: 720x576 (625/50)
  Frame rate: 25.00
  Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed
  Bitrate: 9.35Mbps

Audio attributes:
Audio attributes:  MPEG
  Sampling rate: 48kHz
  Audio application mode: Not Specified
  Number of audio channels:2.0
  Bitrate: 224 Kbps
  Number of audio streams: 1

# MD5 checksums generated by MD5summer (
# Generated 23-2-2015 09:29:30 


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