Sunday, August 18, 2024

Blind Melon 1995-09-29 First Avenue Minneapolis, MN

Blind Melon
September 29th, 1995
First Avenue
Minneapolis, MN

Source: Unknown mics > unknown DAT (@32Hz?) > digital editing > CD
Length: 77 minutes.
Details: Great show, and a talkative Shannon. This show requires an 80 minute
   disc. There are two very faint spots of diginoise during 'I Wonder'.

Setlist / Filename:
   1. 2x4                    / bmelon95-09-29t01.shn
   2. Toes Across the Floor  / bmelon95-09-29t02.shn
   3. Wilt                   / bmelon95-09-29t03.shn
   4. Tones of Home          / bmelon95-09-29t04.shn
   5. Vernie                 / bmelon95-09-29t05.shn
   6. Soak the Sin           / bmelon95-09-29t06.shn
   7. Lemonade               / bmelon95-09-29t07.shn
   8. Skinned                / bmelon95-09-29t08.shn
   9. Walk                   / bmelon95-09-29t09.shn
   10. No Rain               / bmelon95-09-29t10.shn
   11. Galaxie               / bmelon95-09-29t11.shn
   12. Dumptruck             / bmelon95-09-29t12.shn
   13. The Duke              / bmelon95-09-29t13.shn
   14. I Wonder              / bmelon95-09-29t14.shn
   15. St. Andrew's Fall     / bmelon95-09-29t15.shn   
   16. Soup                  / bmelon95-09-29t16.shn
   17. Time                  / bmelon95-09-29t17.shn
   18. Change                / bmelon95-09-29t18.shn
   19. Paper Scratcher       / bmelon95-09-29t19.shn

Taped by ?
dED and SHN encoding by Dave Posluszny
'donated' by Mark E. - Thanks Mark!

Txt file/track re-naming by Jason Emery on 4/8/01.


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