Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Peter Gabriel 1977-03-05 Capitol Theater Passaic, NJ

Peter Gabriel 1977-03-05 Capitol Theater Passaic NJ (T-786)

This release is sourced from a cassette tape I got in trade many years ago.

Original tape >
Agfa C-90 Cassette >
Playback: Tascam 130 >
ADS Tech Instant Music RDX-150 input SPDIF
     output USB to computer 16 bit 44.1 Khz >
Audacity > Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0 > WAV > CD Wave Editor 16 bit 44.1 Khz > FLAC

1.  Here Comes The Flood
 2.  On The Air
 3.  Moribund The Burgermeister
 4.  Waiting For The Big One
 5.   (band introduction)
 6.  Why Don't We
 7.  Excuse Me
 8.  Humdrum
 9.  Solsbury Hill
10. Ain't That Peculiar
11. (Indigo)
12. All Day And All Of The Night
13. Here Comes The Flood
14. Slowburn
15. Modern Love
16. Down The Dolce Vita
17. Back In NYC

I equalized, balanced, and optimized the volume of the recording.  I removed the blank spaces and fixed the tape flip.  I checked and corrected the speed.  Then I split the recording into song tracks.   I did the editing, mastering (tweaking), analog to digital transfer of this release.  Screen caps of Audacity before (raw) and after (final) are included.
 Don't add to, change or remove any of these files.  Keep the text and md5 files unaltered, together with the FLAC's

Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.  My concern is that when people rename them they drop information like date, venue, location, T number.  This information is useful to others when searching for or deciding which version of a show they want or already have.

Don't alter the sound of this recording.  The T releases are not to be used as a source for anyones so called remastering projects.  I'm also making available the raw source recording I worked from for this release. It's has (T source raw) in the folder name.  Anyone that wants to work on the raw source recording is free to do that as long as you mention the source tape you used.  Don't use T-786 version as a source because that one shows what I can do.  Use the (T source raw) recording for your source, it's the one I worked from.  Show us how much better you can do than I did.

For Trade or Give Away Only - Do Not Sell - Do Not Encode As MP3 Virus Files - MD or any other format which degrades the quality of the recording

                        Oct. 24,  2012           T________


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