Monday, April 4, 2022

The Rolling Stones 2003-09-25 2003 Estadio de Foeites Benidorm, Spain(Frankenstein FP 0005)

25 September 2003 – Estadio de Foeites – Benidorm (Sp)
« Que calor en Benidorm »

Another hot show in Spain (is it not always the case ?)

My version is called « Hola Benidorm » but got different covers as the one on dbboots (forgetting Sympathy on the tracklist).

I control my version, no compression, no mp3 here.

It’s a good quality show but with defaults : they’re gaps at the end of every song.

In the first tracks the gaps are bigger (around  2s) and when I cut them, because of the  2 s lost, a « jump » it’s always perceptible between the tracks but after « Tumbling Dice is very discreet.

The same time I rework the tracks : now they begin by the song and not with a big time of aplause or audience noises.

The biggest problems was on
-    « Tumbling Dice » that  was cut in two parts I remake the track but the difference is listenable at 25s (seems like the record man had put the micro into his jacket).
-    « Jumping Jack Flash » also cut in two parts. It begins with some « pops » (from the micro ?) and gaps. It containt also some noises that I cut at 4’05, 4’06 & 4’07 and was cut in 2 parts at 4’08: I remake the song but the transition can be hear . (but it’s real better as preview).
At last, searching artwork on the net I discover the version « BeforeTheyMakeMeRun » had upload on Youtube and that got the same defaults as mine and a video of « Jumping Jack Flash » posted by « OliverW » that show very good the fantastic ambiant of the show, it also give another version of JJF without the default (see before), so I added as bonus : thanks mr « OliverW » !

So finally it’s another Frankenstein tapes (the number 005 !)

Norbert O. (October 2016)


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