Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Replacements 1985-08-15 Irving Plaza NYC, NY

The Replacements
August 15, 1985 Irving Plaza NYC

A Tapegeek Master Recording/Hitwitstuff2 Upload

Maxell XL IIS cassette, Aiwa CM30 Stereo Mic, Aiwa Recorder->LUXMAN K-111 HX Pro Stereo Cassette Deck->Audacity (Levels adjusted, tracks created, no EQ).
flacs created with Switch, MD5 file created with xACT.


Its a long weird path that brings these recordings to DIME. It starts in 1997 when a co-worker named Scott appears one morning with a Paper Grocery bag filled with first gen copies from master recordings of Replacements, Husker Du, Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Meat Puppets, Butthole Surfers, Robin Hitchcock. I got dizzy. The work project was almost over and I had only three or four days to get them all copied and that could only be done while on my ten hour turnaround between work; thats the time I should be sleeping. I went crazy dubbing with my dubber and cassette to DAT with my other set up (instead of sleeping). I did not get em all, but I got all that was very important to me. Fifteen years later, I uploaded one of these Scott Paper Bag shows to Dime and told this story. Turns out Scott is on Dime as Sporkpie and identified himself to me. I also met his friend who is also on Dime. He goes by Tapegeek. Those first gen copies that were in the bag were mostly copies of Tapegeek (and his friend and fellow DIMEr Peewee) master recordings. Tapegeek coincidently is in the same profession as myself. Small world, huh? Well, guess what. These are his recordings off of his master cassettes that we are now going to enjoy and share so lets reward Tapegeek for handing over his master, for trusting me and for his generosity. Lets get some great comments. Thank yous are nice, Mats stories are always welcome, but how about taking a moment after hearing this great recording of a great almost solid Mats show to give your opinion. Ask a question. Cite a favorite moment you would like tape geek to recount in more detail.
By the way, this isnt completely one of those drunken sloppy fucking around shows, this one starts solid then, like a bout of drinking, gets loud and sloppy by the end! - Ken (A.K.A. hitwitstuff2, but you can call me hitwitstuff)


If you have ever heard this recording of this show before, it is because I used to trade cassettes with people all over the world, and so many dubs of this master have made the rounds - I have been waiting for a very long time for someone like hitwitstuff2 to help me out with getting these shows properly digitized and shared, and so many thanks are due to him - share your recordings folks!!!

Okay, I must admit that after seeing the Replacements for the first time at CBGB as "Gary and the Boners" on 12-09-84, I was quite unsure as to whether this time I was gonna see another chaotic drunken "pussy" set or something more along the lines of a rock and roll concert - to their credit, they came out blasting and stayed that way for a good long time, in fact really only started "loosening up" in typical Mats fashion towards the end of the show (not sure why my tape ends abruptly - maybe batteries) - I had my mic and recorder set up in the balcony pretty centrally - I hit record and made a friend watch my deck so I could go downstairs and jump around for a bit - I hit the floor, run into the crowd, the Mats start lashing away and I start banging my head so hard that my glasses go sailing backwards over my head into the crazy mosh pit behind me - completely blind, I turn and go to my knees, groping out frantically between all the Doc Marten boots whirling by - the first thing I manage to grab - my uncrushed spectacles - a Mats miracle! Okay, well, anyway, enjoy!

(Like most of the shows that I saw at Irving Plaza back then, there was a guy also set up near me on a small table who had like a briefcase with a recorder in it and mics set up in the balcony - who was this person? Like a dummy I do not think I ever spoke to him - frankly I was intimidated! Nowadays I would be all over him!)

Please trade this show freely, but do not alter the files or any of the info, do not convert the FLACs to MP3s unless it is just for your own personal use, and above all do not sell this recording in any way!-Tapegeek

1. Dose of Thunder
2. I’m in Trouble
3. Tommy Got His Tonsils Out
4. Bastards of Young
5. I Will Dare
6. Unsatisfied
7. banter
8. Hospital
9. crowd
10. Lay It Down Clown
11. Left of the Dial
12. crowd
13. Answering Machine
14. Can’t Hardly Wait
15. Hayday
16. Gary’s Got a Boner
17. Johnny’s Gonna Die
18. crowd
19. Yummy Yummy Yummy
20. Color Me Impressed
21. crowd
22. White and Lazy
23. crowd
24. Yeah Yeah
25. bluesy Garbage
26. September Gurls
27. crowd
28. Go
29. crowd
30. Sixteen Blue
31. Black Diamond
32. Hey Good Lookin’
33. Lovelines
34. Don’t Get Married
35. Train Kept A Rollin’
36. crowd
37. My Town
38. banter
39. Batman
40. ?
41. Memphis
42. Do the Clam
43.Walk on the Wild Side
44. banter
45. Midnight Rambler
46. Heart of Stone
47. picking around
48. Can’t Get Enough of Your Love
49. crowd
50. Kansas City Star
51. Paul speaks
52. Whole Lotta Love
53. Be Bop  A Lula




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