Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Rolling Stones 2022-06-25 Hyde Park #1 London, England(Empress Valley)


The Rolling Stones Hyde Park #1 2022-06-25
Empress Valley 2CD Silver Bootleg Released July 2022
Hyde Park #1 London, England
25th June 2022

CD 1
01. Introduction
02. Street Fighting Man
03. 19th Nervous Breakdown
04. Tumbling Dice
05. Out Of Time
06. She's A Rainbow
07. You Can't Always Get What You Want
08. Ghost Town
09. Can't You Hear Me Knocking
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. Band introductions
13. Slipping Away
14. Connection

CD 2
01. Miss You
02. Midnight Rambler
03. Paint It Black
04. Start Me Up
05. Gimme Shelter
06. Jumping Jack Flash
07. Sympathy For The Devil
08. (I Can’t Get No )Satisfaction

As the original artwork is a cardboard slipcase, I’ve incorporated it plus added to it for artwork to fit a 2CD Jewel case.
For the first time since I first started uploading on DIME this will be my first silver bootleg torrent
(in DIME speak I believe that’s referred to as liberating a bootleg).
A friend (thanks Tristian Shout) who on his return
from Tokyo brought me back a prezzie (Aussie slang for present) of this silver bootleg.

It’s on the highly regarded Japanese Empress Valley label, packaged in a cardboard slip cover complete with Obi, apparently this
2CD limited edition of 100 copies is only for sale in Japan.
It’s been over 3 weeks since it was released, up to now I haven’t seen it uploaded anywhere on the net so I thought I’d upload it here,
also & it’s a return compliment from me after my recordings being bootlegged over the years!

It’s a very good recording, that afternoon / evening it was a rather windy so on a few occasions you can hear that the wind affects the sound.
There is at times background chit chat that can be heard.
I laughed when during the encore break an American male says he has to pee reaaly bad because its fucking killing him!  

Sadly, what else is evident are the multitude of bum notes, out of tune guitars, many delivered care of Ron (buy my set lists) Wood
hey but don’t worry as those die-hards on the most popular of Stones fan’s website tell us this is Keith & Ron nailing it & being on fire!

I’ve had time to compare it to the other Hyde Park #1 recordings it’s definitely not the elijahmodnar, Bol sources nor is it thank god rskinno’s so called IEM / audience matrix abortion he’s put into circulation,
which means this is a new source by an unknown taper.
I’d say this is the best sounding of the Hyde Park sources & could rank amongst the best audience recordings of the 2022 tour.

My thoughts about the current incarnation of the Rolling Stones...
I'm a long-time Stones fan & collector, my first Stones musical purchases as a 13yo in 1969 with the Honky Tonk Woman single & Through The Past Darkly LP (the superior UK / Australian version).
My first Stones concert as a just turned 15 yo was the early gig at London Roundhouse 14th March 1971, it coincided with a holiday back to London to stay with my grandmother.
I’ll be eternally grateful to my older cousin who’d brought tickets for him & his girlfriend.
They broke up a week before the show, by the time of the gig she had hit the toe so her ticket became mine.

I’ve followed the band for nearly 54 years but after listening to every 2021-2022 available recording the ever diminishing guitar skills of Richards & Woods are so noticeable.
The latter is especially worse this time around, no longer do I get the same listening pleasure.
It's waned considerably, I'll listen to each show as it comes in a few times, then it's shelved to probably not be listened to ever again.
Yes, I accept Keith & Ron are in their late 70’s, are suffering from health issues, plus the results of years of substance abuse, nor do I wish it was 1973 again when I thought the band were at the peak of their live shows when they were nailing it & on fire.
Nor do I have a problem with them hitting the road again no doubt entertaining thousands, I just no longer will be one of them.

The 2021–2022 Stones well in reality like it not, agree or disagree, it’s actually now two originals, one replacement of a replacement along with 7 hired hands don’t really excite me anymore.
Not helped by the set lists being repetitious from one tour to the next along with the same tired arrangements.

I & probably others expected this just finished tour celebrating 60th years to be a tad different but no, the same songs were trotted out yet again, with the addition of two new songs.
The first being the live debut Out Of Time which from Aftermath which was a nice surprise, the second being the plodding ho hum Ghost Town.

I’m sure the audiences would have preferred Brown Sugar to the latter song but the once bad boys of rock & roll have gone woke so these days it’s a no-no.
Even the one-off songs at various gigs on the tour were songs that have always been in rotation (W Horses, D Flowers, Rocks Off, BO Burden, SA Rainbow, S Virginia, LAR Stone anyone) with the exception I Wanna Be Your Man in Liverpool.

What really shits me big time are one eyed blinkered posters on IORR endlessly gushing, harping that Ronnie & Keith are nailing it or on fire I don’t expect the guitarists to play to the level of when they were at the peak
of their powers, but PLEASE don’t tell me the guitarists are nailing it & are on fire, when a non biased honest set of earhole’s tells you they’re not.

I’ve cut & pasted a comment from a chap who will remain nameless on IORR referring to this very show who won’t accept the obvious, now read on...

Re: Hyde Park #1 London UK 25-Jun-2022 The Rolling Stones SIXTY Tour live show updates - Posted by: xxxxx Date: June 29, 2022 12:22
So many moaning, repetitive cloth-eared Eeyores on here - the fan board for know-it-alls who HATE the Rolling Stones. Give it a rest. Eff off to another board. 'Keith can't do this, can't play that, this is crap,
bum notes everywhere, my dog could play it in his sleep. 'The bum notes are in your head. I was right there near the stage, experienced every moment, soaked it right in along with 50,000 others, who experienced something
great and joyous, and the keyboard naysayers are talking shit. Their opinion is worthless static and they really bring this discussion down, and it's a shame. Not everything must be positive, not saying that,
but this kind of relentless sour, mewling negativity and criticism really beings these discussions down.
Poor bloke can’t or won’t accept that fellow Stones fans should be free to voice some criticism on a Stones board, if their opinions differs from his he regards it as worthless static. Calling them cloth eared Eeyore’s
(for those that don’t know what an Eeyore is it's the name of the donkey in Winnie The Poo) well sunshine you attended this gig soaking it all in as you write yet you couldn’t hear the duff notes - poorly played solos
which suggests to me you are the cloth eared donkey not them!

Never mind matey you’ll have a second chance to hear them in very good quality when this torrent will sooner or later make its way to IORR as my Stones / Stones related torrents always do.

Waz from Oz.

P.S. If you don’t agree with my opinion of the current Rolling Stones, well as the Bhagwan’s mate Ma Sheela famously said “Tough Titties”, but I do look forward to your derogatory comments & hate PM’s!



  1. Thanks for this! And the liner notes are a hoot :)

  2. Great sound! Thank you very much! I love them and I think it's a blessing that we can still enjoy them and that they enjoy it doing it too!
