Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kathy Mattea 1991-05-25 Frutigen, CH

Kathy Mattea and band recorded from FM but this upload lacks the punch one would expect.  The words and instruments are distinguishable but somewhat muddy, with marked improivement after t01.  On the plus side, there are no breaks in the recording.  Please help identify t21 and provide the drummer's correct name; any other improvements invited. This is a fresh transfer from my copy and therefore will differ from previous uploads of this performance, if any.

Fault: see above.

Frutigen, CH  --  unknown venue
1991-05-25  --  60:56

01.  Train of Memories
02.  Bluebird Wine
03.  -talk-
04.  Goin' Gone
05.  -talk-
06.  She Came from Fort Worth
07.  Willow in the Wind  
08.  Burnin' Old Memories
09.  -talk-   
10.  Come from the Heart
11.  Untold Stories
12.  -talk-
13.  Asking Us to Dance
14.  -talk-
15.  Where've You Been
16.  Timber
17.  -band intro, talk-
18.  Ready for the Storm
19.  -talk-
20.  Time Passes By
22.  Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses
23.  -talk-
24.  Not the Only One

note: 'Singer-Songwriter Festival'
t01: over-recorded first 01:40 approximately

Kathy Mattea - vocals
Bill Cooley - electric guitar, acoustic guitar
Gerry Gillespie - bass, harmony vocals
Tommy Cougart (sp) - drums
Gene Lorenzo  - keyboards
Jonathan Yudkin - fiddle, mandolin, acoustic guitar, bass harmony vocals
Christie Westmoreland - harmony vocals

Source: trade audiocassette; no further information available
Transferred by stevemtl: cassette > Nakamichi Dragon > lucid AD9624 (mod) > Roland R44 (16/48) > SD chip > HD
Mastered and posted to DIME 2019-08-26 by stevemtl:
HD > Soundforge (L2 dither> 24/48: L2 level adjust, trim, edit, fades) > r8brain (downsample > 24/44.1) > Soundforge (L2 dither > 16/44.1) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent) > DIME

Support Kathy Mattea by purchasing official releases and merchandise and attending tour performances.
Please pass on in a lossless format only; reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use.
Do not profit in any material way from this recording.


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