Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Yes 2024-05-21 Rokhal, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Yes - 2024-05-21 - Rokhal, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

All post 2000 Yes concerts I saw had their issues: lousy sound, slowed down songs or sloppy playing (sometimes in combination). None of these tonight! Tight playing and a phantastic sound. The cost for this seems to be the absense of any 70s members besides Steve Howe - well, evidently You can't have both...

They started very abruptly: light off, music on - so I missed a few seconds of the tape intro. And, due to bad decisions, I had to change batteries during Steve's 'Tales'-announcement. I patched both of these small gaps using minimax's nice recording from Moenchengladbach. Thanks hereby!

00 The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra 1:07
01 Machine Messiah 10:48
02 It Will Be a Good Day (The River) 5:04
03 Going for the One 6:00
04 I've Seen All Good People 7:22
05 America (Instrumental) 4:18
06 Time and a Word 6:22
07 Don't Kill the Whale 4:45
08 Turn of the Century 8:58

Set 2:
09 South Side of the Sky 10:34
10 Cut From the Stars 5:53
11 The Revealing Science of God (Dance of the Dawn) / The Remembering (High the Memory) / The Ancient (Giants Under the Sun) / Ritual (Nous sommes du soleil) 22:20

12 Roundabout  9:10
13 Starship Trooper 12:22

total: 1:54:56

Steve Howe - guitar, voc
Jon Davison - voc, ac. guitar, perc
Geoff Downes - keys
Billy Sherwood - bass, voc
Jay Shellen - drums

technical stuff:

recording position: 2nd row, ~6m to PA, center
lineage: zoom h5 -> wav 48/24 -> micro sd card -> PC -> master (wavelab) -> wav 44/16 - > flac
mastering: eq (some muddy low mids removed), limiter

recorded & mastered by wannerl


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