Tuesday, May 17, 2022

John Lennon The Lost Lennon Tapes Episode 157-158


91-04 (January 21-27, 1991)
I Want You - John Lennon (unreleased) [w/ Yoko Ono; NOT the same as "I Want You (She's So Heavy)"]
[Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!]
[A Hard Day's Night (live at the Hollywood Bowl)]
Here There And Everywhere
Fixing A Hole
[Carry On Till Tomorrow - Badfinger]
No Matter What - Badfinger
Three Cool Cats - (Live/BBC)
Let It Be
Dig A Pony
Remember - John Lennon

91-05: Rock and Roll (January 28-February 3, 1991)
Rock and Roll Music
Roll Over Beethoven [- Chuck Berry/The Beatles]
Twenty Flight Rock - Paul McCartney (Live)
You Can't Catch Me - John Lennon (Alternate take)
Be Bop A Lula - John Lennon
Be My Baby - John Lennon (unreleased)
Ain't That A Shame - John Lennon
Slippin and Slidin - John Lennon
Just Because - John Lennon
I'm Losing You - John Lennon (Alternate)




  1. If I beg nicely is there any chance to get an updated link for this one. Thanks for sharing these wonderful recordings.

  2. Me too. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Thanks so much
