Sunday, May 22, 2022

Legion of Mary 1975-05-22 Keystone Berkeley, CA(89046)

Legion of Mary
Berkeley, CA
May 22, 1975

Betty Cantor Soundboard Snippets

MSR (Betty Cantor, 7" reels @ 15ips) > PCM > DAT > CD >
HP 9350i extraction (EAC v0.9 beta 4) > normalization &
slight editing (Sound Forge Studio 6.0) > re-tracking (CD
Wave v1.6) > sector boundary verification (shntool v1.01) >
.shn encoding (mkwACT v0.97 beta 1).

--end set I--
01. ... Mystery Train [1:59]
--beginning set II--
02. He Ain't Give You None [13:55]
03. Boogie on Reggae Woman ... [7:01]

- t01 fades in
- t02 PCM scratch @ 9:40
- t03 fades out


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