Monday, August 22, 2022

Counting Crows 1997-10-27 Onondaga County War Memorial Syracuse, NY

 Counting Crows  
 October 27, 1997
 Onondaga County War Memorial
 Syracuse ,New York

 Source: 2-AKG C460's W/CK-1X Cardioid>Active Cables( Hat Mode )F.O.B>
         Nueman BS-48I Pre-Amp>Sony D-7 DAT @ 16/48  
 DAT Transfer: Sony PCM-2700>SP/DIF>HHB CD-R 850      August 1999  

 CD Transfer: CD Optical Drive>Traders Little Helper FLAC Encoding
 Location: Left Side Stage 6 Feet From Floor Stacks      Taper: Terry Sullivan

 1 Recovering The Satellites   
 2 Angels Of The Silence  
 3 Rain King
 4 Goodnight Elizabeth   
 5 Sullivan Street    
 6 Children Bloom     
 7 Mercury  
 8 Mr. Jones
 9 Catapult   
 10 Omaha
 11 Raining In Baltimore
 12 Have You Seen Me Lately  
 13 Round Here     
 14 Daylight Fading  
 15 A Murder Of One
 16 Anna Begins
 17 Have You Seen Me Lately
 18 A Long December     

 Disc Change Is Seemless
 My Mics Got Some Serious Sound Pressure    
 No Discernible Crowd Noise ,Floor Seating Started 10 feet behind me.
 I Would Personaly Like To Thank The Handfull Of Mushrooms I Ate Before The Show To Make This Recording Possible !  
 Stayed Rollin' After Encore  


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