Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Cure 1982-04-26 The Playhouse Theater Edinburgh, Scotland

The Cure
Edinburgh, Scotland
April 26, 1982
The Playhouse Theater

Taper : Alan La
Eqipment : Aiwa TPS 30 + external stereo mic
Lineage : (If I remember it right) CD trade -> Flac files (in 2005)


01. Figurehead (missing, wasn't recorded)
02. Drowning Man
03. Short Term Effect
04. In Your house
05. Cold
06. Three Imaginary Boys
07. Hanging Garden
08. Siamese Twins
09. Other Voices
10. M
11. One Hundred Years (cut)
12. Primary
13. Play for Today
14. Forest
15. Pornoghraphy
16. 1015
17. Killing An Arab
18. All Mine

Total time: 88:42

Note by Orion34: This is the second source for this show (the first one is Ma.Be. version).
This one missing "The Figurehead"; "One Hundred Years" is cut.
The quality (imho) - one of the best audience recordings from 1982 (imho).



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