Monday, January 10, 2022

Hoodoo Gurus 1989-09-21 Batschkapp Frankfurt, Germany

HOODOO GURUS - Frankfurt (Germany) / Batschkapp 21.09.1989

audience recording (from my cassette master)

01 Axegrinder
02 Another world
03 My street
04 Death in the afternoon
05 Death Defying
06 Dig it up
07 Come anytime
08 Glamourpuss
09 Today your love,tomorrow the world
10 I want you back
11 Hallucination
12 Baby can dance
13 What's my scene
14 Leilani / Black Night / Black Dog / Tush / Anarchy in the UK / Leilani
15 Bittersweet
16 Tojo
17 The Generation Gap
18 I was a Kamikaze pilot

This is from my cassette master, I think it's a pretty good recording
and a great show.
The highlight for me is a 15 minute version of "Leilani" including excerpts
of songs by Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, ZZ Top and The Sex Pistols  :-)

Hope you like it, enjoy!

I can only seed at ~17kb so first leechers have to be patient -> sorry


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