Monday, January 17, 2022

Tin Machine 1991-10-05 Teatro Smeraldo Milan, Italy


Audience Recording low generation.

Lineage:-D/L WeTransfer, Flac audio format.

This comes across as quite a decent audience recording,
has a strong emphasis on the music without drowning out the vocals too much. Very enjoyable
and engaging setlist. SQ 8, Does sound tinny in places but not detrimental.

    01/2-Intro - Tin Machine
    03-Baby Universal
    04-One Shot
    05-Betty Wrong
    08-Goodbye Mr. Ed
    09-I Can’t Read
    10-Sacrifice Yourself
    11-You Belong In Rock'n'Roll
    12-You Can’t Talk
    13-Go Now
    14-A Big Hurt
    16-If There Is Something
    18-Heaven’s In Here
    19-I’ve Been WaIting For You
    20-Under The God
    21-Crack City


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