Tuesday, April 30, 2024

David Bowie The Savage Jaw Archives Volume 2

The Savage Jaw Archives.

The official SITA project in cooperation with Ziggy In Concert and Mind-Warp PaVilion.

Towards the end of the 1990's affordable home computers, CD copiers and internet connections forever changed the way that many music collectors traded their recordings. It became so much easier to contact other collectors from around the world without having to wait weeks for replies to letters, trades to be agreed and tapes to be copied, dispatched and delivered. Contacts could be made quickly and copies could be sent out quickly too. Unfortunately, the mail was still quite slow but it was all a big improvement in the opinion of many of us.

Move the clock forward to 2004 by which time many of us had "super quick" 512kbps home "broadband" and had become familiar with BitTorrent which enabled us to get recordings sometimes in hours rather than weeks. The focus for music collectors had moved once again. We were crying out for a Torrent site which specialised in the artist whose music had brought us all together, namely David Bowie.

Goodness only knows how much work went on behind the scenes but on April 1st 2004, Savage Jaw opened it's doors, inviting everyone in to join the swarm and enjoy David Bowie "At The Atlantis". Not everybody saw this development as a good thing but the vast majority welcomed the site and the recordings with open arms. Throughout it's relatively short lifespan, Savage Jaw operated strictly to the motto "Where Quality Counts". Everything available through the site was the very best available to us. Sadly, Savage Jaw as a Bowie Torrent site closed it's doors around August 2005 but left a legacy of which those involved can be justifiably proud.

Rather than forget about this legacy a fitting tribute was put together in the form of The Savage Jaw Archives.

Vol. II
At TheAtlantis 1xCD - The Atlantis, Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas 20th December 2003 (possibly broadcast recording)
Dame Meditation 4xCD - Olympia Theatre, Dublin 8th and 9th August 1997
Life Is A Circus 1xCD - Beckenham Arts Lab, Clairville Grove, Chelsea 2nd February 1969. **Master Rip**. Perhaps one of the most important historical documents in the career of David Bowie. In 1969, Bowie and fellow Feathers colleague, John "Hutch" Hutchinson, recorded at least ten tracks, on a tape recorder, to send to various record labels. This demo tape eventually landed Bowie a deal with Mercury and launched his career.  As one can imagine, a recording made 35 years ago is not of pristine quality, but this version offers a better listening experience than many of the other discs floating around with this material.
Suffragette City 1xCD - Nassau Coliseum, USA 23rd March 1976. This show has appeared under many titles, but Suffragette City has the correct running order, and is without any fade-outs that are on some titles. The sound quality is very good.
The Rise And Rise Of Ziggy Stardust 4xCD - BBC Radio Sessions 1967-1972. This is probably the best and most complete collection of the BBC radio sessions. The sound quality is very good except for a couple of sessions that were recorded from the radio.


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