Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Beatles - "The Days in Their Life" FM Radio Series Broadcast


There are no text files or artwork within these files. I'm sure it out there on the web. I just have not had the time to search for it yet. If you find it and want to post it in the comment please do.


The Beatles - "The Days in Their Life" FM Radio Series Broadcast, 1981, Remastered Version, 21 CD Set
Publisher: TM Special Projects, # ditl-01 thru -21, 2004
Quality: mono/stereo
From the volume 1 liner notes:
* This 21 volume set contains the entire Days In Their Life program as it was originally broadcast in the early Eighties. The Days In Their Life was originally pressed onto 30 vinyl LP records. It was these vinyl LPs that radio stations used as a source for their broadcasts. The collection presented here is sourced from one of these original broadcast vinyl LP sets.
* The LP set used for this remastered series is from the personal archives of Ira Lipson, the narrator of this extensive program. This particular series is made possible through his generosity, and trust. His support is sincerely appreciated.
* This remastered version has attempted to upgrade the listening experience by replacing almost all of the music tracks with high quality audio from sources such as Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs, DCC Compact Classics and Dr. Ebbetts Sound Systems.
* All of this has been done while maintaining the integrity of the original broadcast. No material has been added and no part of the original program has been removed. The result is a listening experience superior to what was possible during the original broadcast.



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