Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Yes 2011-04-11 Palais Theatre, St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia

Palais Theatre, St Kilda, Melbourne
11th April 2011

Recorded by Brother Ruprechkt


Audacity Binaural Mikes / Battery Box > Sony PCM M10B (Mike sens low / Manual Level (4) / LCF off / Limiter off) > Flac (Audacity to split tracks / fade in and out , Traders little helper for torrent and FLAC files)

Recorded 15m from stage slightly right of centre as you look at stage - Row N Orchestra section.

Taper notes....

This one was a bit of a rush....

My mate was running late (actually ended up missing the whole show) and so I was stood outside with all my gear secreted at around 20:00 waiting for him.  We'd reckoned on a 2100 start for Yes given doors were 1930 and the tickets said "Plus special guests"  however - there weren't any special guests and everyone was told to get in and get your seats quicksticks as Yes were due on stage now for set 1...Panic !!!!!

I went straight in and took my seat - with the gear still stashed - no mikes set up or anything -  let me tell you, getting mikes, battery boxes and PCM's out from where I'd stashed them and set up in the full glare of ushers taking people to their seats with the lights still up  - not easy....

As a result I missed the first few seconds of the intro music - nothing major - I've faded in there about 3 seconds.  Next problem was mike location - normally they are all set up and attached nicely but I didn't have that opportunity so I had to wing it and as a result the first 10 mins or so have a few little scuffles as I tried to set up my right mike - left one was fine from the off.

once I got this sorted though it is good.

I had to adjust the levels down at about 3 mins in as I was clipping out on the deep bass notes and the snare-but again nothing major.

Set 1 was quite short - and set 2 was longer than a 80min CD - so I've taken the liberty of putting Fly from here (I-V) on a separate disc - so you will hear a fade out after And You and I and a fade in as set 2 starts.  I've then faded in for disc 2 using the clapping at the end of Fly from here as a start - so nothing is missed or cut - it was the only way to minimise cuts etc only thing missing is the 30 mins in the interval when I went and sorted my mikes !!!!

Nice balanced recording - the mikes and PCM working well.

Set one finished with "And you and I" and Set two opened with Fly from Here - see notes below regarding how to fit on CD's



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