Monday, May 27, 2024

Howard Jones 1985-06-28 Pier 84 New York City, NY

Howard Jones\
28 June 1985\
Peir 84, NYC NY USA\
Source: Master Audience Cassette. Nak CM300 (Shotguns??) > Sony D5M > Maxell XLII\
Transfer: Nak 680ZX > Edirol R-09 24/96 > SD Card > Mac HD > Audacity 1.3.12b\
(adjust levels downsample, tracking) > xAct 1.71 (fix sbe, output flac level 7, generate ffp) > Vuze 5.2 (torrent prep, seed).\
Size 504.5 MB    flac level 7        \
TT: 86:08 \
1. Intro\
2. Pearl in the Shell\
3. \
4. Like to Get to Know You Well\
5. Bounce Right Back\
6. Look Mama\
7. Life In One Day\
8. \
9. \
11. \
12. No One Is To Blame\
13. Always asking Questions\
14. What Is Love?\
Notes: Can't remember if I used the Shotguns or not... Hissy aud suggests stealth of some sort... Quality = B-


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