Boston Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
June 27th, 1970
1st Source Cleanup with 3rd Source Merge by Funkydrummer (and a little 2nd Source)
Lineage (1st source): ATM062 FLAC> Audition 3 (NR, EQ, Multiband Comp)> FLAC
ATM062 was 1st & 2nd source composite. Audience recording - low gen, digitally restored. The stereo 1st source is mainly used but omits Freedom which is patched from the mono 2nd source. My version consists of the 2nd source patch merged with 3rd source
(3rd Source Phase corrected - from original notes) Lineage: "Craig" cassette recorder (unknown mic) ->
Scotch C-90 cassette -> Sony TC-FX110 (playback) -> CDR (recordered/transfered to CDR with Sony RCD-W50C) ->
EAC -> WAV (Phase corrected) - > Flac > (funkydrummer intervention)>Audition 3 (NR, EQ, Multiband Comp)> FLAC
Track list:
01. Intro [1st Extended with 3rd Source Merge]
02. Stone Free
03. Lover Man
04. Red House
05. Freedom [1st and 3rd Source Merge]
06. Foxy Lady
07. Purple Haze
08. Star Spangled Banner
09. All Along The Watchtower
10. Message To Love
11. Fire
12. Spanish Castle Magic
13. Voodoo Child (Slight Return)and Outro [Outro is 1st Source Extended with 3rd Source Merge]
14. Bonus - Stone Free [1st and 3rd Source Merge]
15. Bonus - All Along the Watchtower [1st and 3rd Source Merge]
Notes by funkydrummer...
OK, let's start with the bonus tracks which are merges of 1st and 3rd source. I only included these tracks because I did try a merge of the whole show, and I wasn't really that happy with the results. (I know that many of you love the Watchtower from Boston - and it is great - so that's why I did a special merge for you folks)...
As controversial as it may be to some, I am not a huge fan of merges, and my logic is as follows - if you have a nice clean source (like Boston 1st source once it was 'cleaned'), and you start merging with lesser sources, it actually starts to detract from the listening experience.
Whilst I still like to hear what others do with merges, I would rather to have a clean single source than muddy multiple sources...
So anyway, thanks to a certain "E" we have the stereo 3rd source from Boston which was included as Phase corrected and Phase and Eqed versions...
I used the "phase corrected" version - tweaked the phase a little more on some of the tracks that were still OOP, did my own NR, EQ - as I do...
Come out really nice actually - BUT ECHOEY!!! So echoey that it made the merge with 1st source very difficult due to the echo...the two bonus tracks took a bit of work to get as in sync as they are - and it was due to the echo problem, that made me give up on a whole merge of the show...
NOTE - if there is any desire for my newly cleaned and EQed 3rd know where to get is, in itself - now cleaned - a rather interesting listen.
So anyway - this version of Boston is an embellishment of the ATM - but all STEREO - I have merged the MONO second source used for Freedom with the 3rd provide a complete stereo experience...same too for intro and outro...
I preferred to use just the Stereo first source for the whole show - and whilst the 3rd source has picked up the drums a little better, the echo tends to obscure the benefits of merging my mind anyway...
So this is about the best hybrid version of Boston that I could come up with.
I didn't have the 2nd Mono source, but I am not sure it was really necessary anyway...
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