Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Who 1980-07-13 Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, NC

The Who
Greensboro Civic Center
Greensboro, NC
1980- July 13



This appears to be a classic concert from KylieMinogue.

Let the Greensboro Daily News on July 14, 1980 explain the show:

"Greensboro's latest "event" was Sunday, in case you missed it.
'Course, if you were within 20 miles or so of the coliseum, you couldn't have missed it - or hearing it, at least.

The Who's music was so loud, in fact, that it was nearly impossible to understand the words unless you'd heard them before, which most of the concertgoers probably had.

Coliseum officials added a touch of security, and police officers and door guards kept things from getting out of hand.
But jagged nerves weren't hard to find, and haven't been ever since 11 fans were killed in a stampede at The Who's concert last fall in Cincinnati.

And the famous Who sound must have affected a few people, given that they have to be the loudest group going.
The music absolutely vibrated the building - no wonder the group's members have suffered hearing loss over years.

A variety of lights, some looking like spaceships, illuminated the performance, which featured all the fans have come to expect from these 15-year veterans of rock 'n' roll.
Lead singer Roger Daltrey twisted, grimaced and jumped; guitarist Peter Townshend gave it his almost-violent best; bassist John Entwistle stood off In his customary calmness; new drummer Kenny Jones slammed out the beat."


Analog transfer:

Original Recorded Cassette
Onkyo TA-RW255 Dual Stereo Cassette Tape Deck
Playback at normal speed and Dolby NR at setting "B"
Stereo Out Coaxial Cable merged into 1/8" breakout cable female adapter (3 Pin XLR for Preamp)

Digital Conversion:

Mic2496 V2 Portable Mic Pre-amp/A-to-D Converter (coax out) into
Core Sound High Resolution Coaxial Cable (1')
M-Audio's MicroTrack II Professional 2-Channel Mobile Digital Recorder
(into SPDIF)

Recorded in 96khz/24 bit 2 channel stereo
All editing done with Adobe Audition 3.0.1 (patch for Vista)
Low end Bass removal with "Kill the Subharmonics"
EQ with multiband compression "hiss reduction", "raise the vocals" graphic EQ (-1.5 DB), and then through "kick" (parametric) with gain
For 44K version a direct conversion done through Adobe Audition
WAV files converted to FLAC 6 via Traders Little Helper
Files torrented will be done thru traders little helper onto uTorrent.

Setlist (02:05:09)

I Can't Explain
Baba O'Riley
My Wife
Sister Disco
Behind Blue Eyes
Music Must Change
Who Are You
Pinball Wizard
See Me Feel Me
Long Live Rock
My Generation
I Can See For Miles
Naked Eye
Won't Get Fooled Again


The Real Me


Roger Daltrey   
John Entwistle  
Kenney Jones 
Pete Townshend  
John Bundrick 


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