Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ashley MacIsaac 1996-03-22 Forum de Montréal Montreal, QC

Montreal, QC  --  Forum de Montréal
1996-03-22  --  29:13

01.  -talk-
03.  -talk-
05.  -talk-
06.  King of the Fairies
07.  -talk-
09.  -talk-
11.  -talk-
13.  -talk-
14.  Devil in the Kitchen
15.  -talk-

note: opening set for Melissa Etheridge
t02, 06, 10, 13, 14: fiddle instrumental
t04: Mary Jane Lamond - Gaelic vocals
t08: with Scott Longer - bagpipes

No artwork.

Recorded by stevemtl: Sennheiser MKE-2002 > Denon DTR80P (DAT: 16bits/48khz)
Transferred by stevemtl: DAT > Sony PCM-R500 > Roland R44 > SD chip > my fingers > slot on computer > HD
Mastered by stevemtl: HD > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 24/48: edit, L2 applause level adjust, fades) > r8brain (vhq downsample > 24/44.1) > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent marker)
Circulated by stevemtl: Torrent marker uploaded to DIME on 2012-08-23.

Support Ashley MacIsaac by attending gigs (including virtual) if and as available and purchasing official releases and merchandise.
Please pass on in a lossless format only; reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use exclusively.
Do not profit in any material way from this recording.



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