Colmar France
An Eeklair Reworking (done 2007-07-17)
Fisher Lane Farms Master Tape - Open Air Microphone
1-1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
1-2. Fly On A Windshield
1-3. Broadway Melody Of 1974
1-4. Cuckoo Cocoon
1-5. In The Cage
1-6. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
1-7. Rael's Story
1-8. Back In N.Y.C.
1-9. Hairless Heart
1-10. Counting Out Time
1-11. Carpet Crawlers
1-12. The Chamber Of 32 Doors
2-1. Rael's Story
2-2. "what has happened to my fucking mellotron?" (cut out)
2-3. Lilywhite Lilith (Cut in)
2-4. The Waiting Room
2-5. Anyway
2-6. The Supernatural Anesthetist
2-7. Improv (filler as Pete Changes)
2-8. The Lamia
2-9. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
2-10. The Colony Of Slippermen
2-11. Ravine
2-12. The Light Dies Down On Broadway
2-13. Riding The Scree
2-14. In The Rapids
2-15. It
2-16. The Musical Box
//Eeklair Notes:
First, I reiterate, all Lamb shows should be divided like the Studio album where tracking is concerned. Encores will fit on the second disc... :-)
GASP posted this show (at GASP productions are RAW untouched transfers put out there for any and all comers just to listen to, or if you're like me, to tweak and remaster as one such as myself sees fit. This one had serious fidelity and stereo image problems (to MY ears) so I had to do something (my sense of urgency with recordings such as this borders on insanity. My friends and family tell me i'm obsessed. I gather my wife tires of wading through endless spindles of shows by my favorite bands... They're all correct. I do need to get about 30% more life, as I spend about 30% of my time doing tweaking audio. (let me bore you even more below!)
On to what I've done:
Boosted several important frequencies that I felt were lacking in the original post. Cranked up a swatch between about 8-12K hertz. The hiss came calling. I also lifted the bass floor up by about 4 dB to let the bottom out of it's breadbox. So then I applied some compression/expander to most all frequencies except for the bottom 0-150 hZ. i felt it became a bit boomy after having already lifted the low end, and so I didn't go with the 'boomy.' SO THEN after that the hiss got WAY WAY out of control, but i could hear the instruments were 'exactly where I FELT they should be..' SOooo....
I fiddled around with different levels of hiss reduction and thresholds of hiss reduction and floors and ceilings and windows of hiss reduction AND FINALLY settled on (and saved) a lite customized hiss reduction preset that left IN the good hiss and took OUT the bad hiss. SO There's SOME hiss, mind, but it's important hiss, because inside this hiss there are instruments. And during the re-making of this show, no instruments were tortured nor abused.
Last thing I guess I felt I should do was the artwork. So I borrowed from the GASP art and sort of augmented what they already had. in fact, Steven, I'd like to use your artwork as a template if you don't mind...
Take a listen, I'm right proud of this one. Now if I could only get Nick Davis to agree, then sub-contract my services for more such archival transfers..
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