Thursday, August 25, 2022

Peter Frampton 1975-02-04 Electric Ballroom Dallas , TX(FM)

Peter Frampton
Electric Ballroom
Dallas , TX
(Eeklair Reworked Version)

02-Nowhere's Too Far (For My Baby)
03-Doobie Wah
04-Lines On My Face
05-Shine On
06-It's A Plain Shame
07-Penny For Your Thoughts
08-Wind Of Change
09-Baby, I Love Your Way
10-Show Me The Way
11-I Want To Go To The Sun
12-(I'll Give You) Money
13-Do You Feel Like We Do?
14-Encore call>Intros
15-Somethings Happening
16-White Sugar
17-Radio announcement
18-Jumping Jack Flash (Jagger-Richards)

Peter Frampton - guitar , voc.
Bob Mayo - keyboards , guitar , voc.
Stanley Sheldon - bass
John Siomos - drums

source : FM (KZEW Radio broadcast )>? transfer: trade>cd-r>eac>tlh> flac (8)>dime>you

Eeklair's Rework Notes:

Balanced Channels by raising the left channel +1.3dB
Pitch Corrected  -3.3 cents (?)
Digitally combined original files 11 and 12 to form the above track 11 (I Wanna Go To The Sun) without any loss of music (they overlapped)
No Hiss reduction applied.
Software used: Adobe Audition 3.0


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