Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Tragically Hip 1996-12-09 Molson Center Montreal, QC

Audience was fairly well behaved with not a word of chatter, resulting in a fine recording.  The whoops, etc were confined to the applause, whence many have been removed.  Many songs have a spoken intro, and some have within sometimes lenghty discourses occasionally with song teasers.  Great entertainment; enjoy.

Fault: Fairly constant crowd sounds as would be expected.  The music floats above undisturbed.

Montreal, QC  --  Molson Center
1996-12-09  --  130:17

01.  -applause, talk-
02.  Gift Shop
03.  Everytime You Go
04.  Grace, Too
05.  Springtime in Vienna
06.  Twist My Arm
07.  -talk-
08.  Ahead by a Century
09.  Butts Wigglin
10.  -talk-
11.  The Luxury   
12.  700 Ft. Ceiling
13.  -talk-
14.  Courage
15.  -talk-
16.  Cordelia
17.  Put It Off
18.  Escape Is at Hand for the Travellin' Man
19.  -talk-
20.  At the Hundredth Meridian  
21.  Don’t Wake Daddy
22.  Scared
23.  Little Bones
24.  -talk-
25.  Locked in the Trunk of a Car  
26.  -talk, encore applause-
27.  -talk-
28.  Thugs
29.  Flamenco
30.  New Orleans Is Sinking
31.  -applause-
32.  Nautical Disaster
33.  Blow at High Dough
34.  -talk, applause-

No artwork.

Recorded by stevemtl: Sennheiser MKE2002 > Denon DTR80P (DAT: 16 bit, 48 khz)
Transferred by stevemtl: DAT > Sony R500 > Roland R44 (16/48)> SD chip > HD
Mastered and posted to DIME on 2019-09-08 by stevemtl: HD > Soundforge (L2 dither > 24/48: L2 level adjust, trim, edit, fades) > Soundforge (anti-alias filter and downsample >24/44.1; L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent) > DIME

Honour Gord Downie's memory and support the former band members by purchasing official releases and merchandise.
Please pass on in a lossless format only; reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use.
Do not profit in any material way from this recording.


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